Starts 05:30PM

Asking Poetry to explain itself brings to mind the story of the little fish who, upon hearing some wild rumours, asks its mother “What is water?”

On Wednesday 28 February, our inaugural Café Poet Laureate, Cally Conan-Davies, like a good parent fish, will encourage us to sound the depths of the question “WHAT IS POETRY?”, knowing that each answer we come up with will flow through our fingers the moment we hold it. But the Muse of Poetry will love us for each attempt, and ideas will spark like bioluminescence, and a play of poems will ripple through the cafe.

Cally will also speak about her abundant plans for promoting poetry during her laureateship. Perhaps there will also be a crowning!

Join us for this inaugural talk from Cally Conan-Davies, Café Poet Laureate for 2024. Tickets are $10, and include a glass of wine or cold drink.

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